Tee Up Your Speech: Golf is Like Public Speaking Tips 1-4

As an experienced speech and communication coach and an emerging golfer, I see numerous parallels between mastering the skills of public speaking and golf. Let’s look at some of these tips.

Tip #1: Make sure you have the proper equipment.

You will perform best if you’ve taken the time to gather the needed tools and devices. Do you bring your own remote clicker? Do you have a printout of your slide deck in case of technical difficulties? Don't forget a power cord and extra batteries!

What tools do you use when giving a presentation? Keep a checklist handy so you don't forget anything important. 

Tip #2: Warm up Before You Play

Get there early so you have time to stretch and warm up. With both golf and public speaking, you will perform better if you give yourself that time. Do you have a routine for stretching? What is your warm-up routine for golf? What is it for speaking? 

Tip #3: Have Confidence That Practice Will Help

If you dedicate time to practice, know that it will make a difference. We know this is important to help you become a better golfer. It certainly applies to public speaking. Understand that I don't mean you should memorize your speech! Practicing and rehearsing your speech will make it more familiar and it will flow more naturally.

Practice your introduction, the body of your talk, and your summary. You can do these in segments if you don't have enough time. This will also help if you should get interrupted during the presentation.

Don't forget to establish a practice routine for both golf and public speaking!

Tip #4: Practice on the Driving Range to Develop Muscle Memory; Play When You're on the Course

If you are rehearsed and prepared, you will have better outcomes. However, if you focus too much on the details and your technique when you are playing on the course or in a tournament, you may get 'thrown off' your game. This holds true for both golf and public speaking. 

Practice in public speaking means saying it aloud to hear how it sounds. You can't just think about it. You need the muscle memory of pronouncing words and having the message flow. When you deliver a presentation, know that if you are rehearsed and familiar with the flow of your talk, you will perform well!  You may not feel that way if you choose to "wing it" and simply show up!

Let me know if you have tips to add and reach out if you have any questions,

Stay tuned for more tips. Hit ‘em straight!


Lynda Katz Wilner, MS, CCC-SLP

Speech and Communication Trainer/Coach



Tee Up Your Speech: Golf is Like Public Speaking Tips 5-8


Learn more about Lynda and her experience as a solopreneur and small business owner