How Is Conversation Like Tennis?

Do you monopolize a conversation? Do you ever ask your conversation partner questions? Do you leave a meeting and say to yourself, “We had a great conversation!” only to realize that you know very little about the other person?

Perhaps you are uncomfortable or nervous and when a person asks you a question, you just keep going. However, we must be mindful that a conversation requires turn-taking. The Cambridge Dictionary defines ‘conversation’ as a “talk between two or more people in which thoughts, feelings, and ideas are expressed, questions are asked and answered, or news or information is exchanged.”

Imagine a conversation like a tennis game. Take turns and hit the ball back and forth. It’s not enjoyable (at least for the loser) if it consists of all “aces” and a love game (no score for the opponent). As in tennis, turn-taking is critical for maintaining flow and engagement. However, unlike tennis, we don’t always want to score to win.

How can you practice this important conversational skill?

  • Be more mindful when entering a conversation.

  • Practice your active listening skills so you can respond appropriately.

  • Listen to understand, not simply to formulate your ideas.

  • Use your observation skills to detect non-verbal cues (eye contact, nodding, changes in body language).

  • Be aware of interrupting your conversation partner.

  • Use AI-assisted technology to help you master the skill.

The Advantage AI-assisted Public Speaking Platform powered by Yoodli is a cutting-edge tool to practice your conversation skills.

Here is how it works:

Select ‘Conversation’, and type in the topic, conversation partner, and personality style. You can begin talking or your AI (artificial intelligence) partner can ask you a question. You will get a notification on the screen when you are talking for two minutes. That should be an indication that you are monopolizing the conversation! Ask your AI partner related questions to keep a natural conversation flow. After the conversation is completed, you will receive measurable analytics on your performance.

Mastering turn-taking is not just about how you talk and what you say, but it includes listening, respecting, and collaborating with your conversation partner. Following these above strategies will enhance both your professional and personal communication skills.

To learn more about refining the skill of turn-taking and using this AI-assisted platform, contact me at


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